i love to cook.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
oof, trains.
I love trains. What I mean to say is this: I love trains so much that if a train was a man, I would probably make that train my boyfriend.
I know that sounds strange, but let me explain further:
1. Punctuality
a. Trains are usually/always on time. Even American trains most always manage to meet you when they say they're going to.
b. When trains do not manage to arrive on time, the train conductor [a person who fulfills a role analogous to that of the human brain/oral orifice] always has a good excuse. Instead of verbally fumbling for ten minutes to find an "adequate" excuse [adequate excuses DO NOT include: I overslept again, I was hungover again, etc.], he or she usually emerges with a clear reason for said lateness including and mostly limited to: there was unforeseen construction and/or someone attempted to end their life by jumping onto the train tracks [usually, this happens only in Germany, where the majority of the suicidal populace chooses mutilation by train tracks as their desired life end, a fact which never ceases to surprise me.]
2. Cleanliness
a. Most trains I have ever been on are clean. Clearly, this does not apply to most boys who one speaks to. Even if they purport to be clean, they are usually lying.
b. I am the first to admit that the cleanliness of train bathrooms can leave something to be desired. But the great thing about train bathrooms is that, unlike plane bathrooms [which can falsely seem clean] train bathrooms are most probably clean of the fluids of mile-high club participants. My reasoning on this point: trains, unlike planes, are not smooth riding. There are turns and bumps along the way. This makes it extremely difficult for people to 'get it on' in trains. I may be in the minority here, but this fact relieves me. I have seen couples emerge from plane bathrooms and let me just tell you: GROSS GROSS GROSS. There is a time and a place, my friends. And that is definitely not in a bathroom. ANYWHERE.
3. Trains are upfront about their problems
a. Sometimes trains break down, but this is something we are all aware of. Trains do not have emotions. We all know this, because trains do not pretend otherwise. Trains also do not have Mommy issues. I could go on here, but you get the picture.
4. This one is not a metaphor
a. I just really like the seats on trains, because they are cuddly and comfortable. I especially enjoy window seats with tables attached. They have outlets and pretty views.
Oops,we just hit a bump [THANK GOD FOR BUMPS].
I guess I have finally shown myself to be the finicky, bitchy person who I really am. Now I think it may be clear why I prefer this blog to be readable only by a select few. This way, I can minimize the impact of my sarcastic side.You can go ahead and judge me, but I will leave you with this thought: everyone's a hater sometimes, so in life, try not to hate on the hater.
[OMG I've always wanted to say that].
a list of everything I want to accomplish in my life. Things might get a little snarky. Get ready....
I know that sounds strange, but let me explain further:
1. Punctuality
a. Trains are usually/always on time. Even American trains most always manage to meet you when they say they're going to.
b. When trains do not manage to arrive on time, the train conductor [a person who fulfills a role analogous to that of the human brain/oral orifice] always has a good excuse. Instead of verbally fumbling for ten minutes to find an "adequate" excuse [adequate excuses DO NOT include: I overslept again, I was hungover again, etc.], he or she usually emerges with a clear reason for said lateness including and mostly limited to: there was unforeseen construction and/or someone attempted to end their life by jumping onto the train tracks [usually, this happens only in Germany, where the majority of the suicidal populace chooses mutilation by train tracks as their desired life end, a fact which never ceases to surprise me.]
2. Cleanliness
a. Most trains I have ever been on are clean. Clearly, this does not apply to most boys who one speaks to. Even if they purport to be clean, they are usually lying.
b. I am the first to admit that the cleanliness of train bathrooms can leave something to be desired. But the great thing about train bathrooms is that, unlike plane bathrooms [which can falsely seem clean] train bathrooms are most probably clean of the fluids of mile-high club participants. My reasoning on this point: trains, unlike planes, are not smooth riding. There are turns and bumps along the way. This makes it extremely difficult for people to 'get it on' in trains. I may be in the minority here, but this fact relieves me. I have seen couples emerge from plane bathrooms and let me just tell you: GROSS GROSS GROSS. There is a time and a place, my friends. And that is definitely not in a bathroom. ANYWHERE.
3. Trains are upfront about their problems
a. Sometimes trains break down, but this is something we are all aware of. Trains do not have emotions. We all know this, because trains do not pretend otherwise. Trains also do not have Mommy issues. I could go on here, but you get the picture.
4. This one is not a metaphor
a. I just really like the seats on trains, because they are cuddly and comfortable. I especially enjoy window seats with tables attached. They have outlets and pretty views.
Oops,we just hit a bump [THANK GOD FOR BUMPS].
I guess I have finally shown myself to be the finicky, bitchy person who I really am. Now I think it may be clear why I prefer this blog to be readable only by a select few. This way, I can minimize the impact of my sarcastic side.You can go ahead and judge me, but I will leave you with this thought: everyone's a hater sometimes, so in life, try not to hate on the hater.
[OMG I've always wanted to say that].
a list of everything I want to accomplish in my life. Things might get a little snarky. Get ready....
Monday, August 23, 2010
i'm shutting GITMO down
dear friends,
to cut to the chase (hard for me to do, as i'm sure you've learned if you've been reading this whole time): in the last few weeks, i've been thinking about this blog and what i want to do with it. i think i definitely want to continue writing, but, essentially: i'm creeped out by the fact that a lot of randos [read, people with whom i no longer have real contact] are reading this.
oof. i don't want to seem mean, but i'm getting less and less interested in keeping the internet identities of random readers anonymous. here's the deal: i'm going to change my blog url in 2 weeks [by the end of labor day weekend]. if you want to continue reading this, send me an email or a facebook message and i will invite you to be a reader.
don't be shy if we haven't talked for awhile and if you still want to keep reading, it's just that i want to minimize random people from reading. ya dig?
ok, that's my spiel.
aside: being back in berk is weird. i'll have more to say (hopefully, unless berkeley drudgery sets in too strongly) when the blog has been set to a slightly more private setting.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
melt recap, schedule, i'm all over da place
i leave this here city in 23 hours. the past 48 have been, essentially, hell. because i'm not here with a program, i've had to do all of the ending-note type things on my own. that means unenrolling, telling the dmv equivalent that i'm going, canceling student health insurance, canceling phone, blah blah blah, you get the picture. this also means that i've had to face the prospect of jumping through a million hoops; the germans have not really improved their bureaucratic problems, as far as i can tell.
there were a few (hidden) tears involved and several very loud, public, 'fuck you, germany' s, but i think i've finally gotten it under control.
this last weekend, i headed to melt festival (as mentioned previously), and it was probably up there in my best overall life weekends. i was there with friends, we camped, we dealt with extremely drugged-out people (definitely my least favorite aspect of the whole music festival scene). i saw so many great bands, stood on my feet for something like 20 hours over the course of the weekend, sweated, danced. amazing. highlights were definitely: kings of convenience and massive attack (chromeo was surprisingly really good too) and then fred falke for the erlend oye sighting. erlend oye is part of kings of con. (koc for short roflkopter), and he came onto the dance floor during fred falke and we made eye contact as he walked within two feet of me. AHH.
ok, done. dear hannah: i've thought about it and the answer is officially: erlend oye shag, james mac marry, and christian bale kill. cb has got some real problems, just check youtube.
as usual, i'm explaining this way too quickly and not very well. i took pictures on two disposable cameras, just picked them up and they're pretty great but they'll have to wait to get scanned and put on the interwebs, because time is quite literally running by me. at the moment, i'm sitting at home waiting for my two much-heavier-than-when-i-got-here-six-months-ago suitcases to be picked up (they're being shipped to so-germany) while i take myself, my hideous hiking boots, pants-that-zip-into-shorts, and a rain poncho off to soireland where i will probably lose my tan. but see beautiful nature, so it's worth it. life schedule as follows:
july 23 (TOMORROW): 12.32- train to frankfurt hahn airport, meet mother at airport hotel
july 24: flight with mama to dublin international, meet daddy (yay!)
july 24: dublin
july 26: begin hiking tour
august 3: fly to frankfurt hahn, take train to town* where relatives live
august 7: fly from munich to sacramento--HOME
august 19: BERKELEY
* calling it a town is probably the most optimistic thing you could ever do. it has one street, a church, a graveyard, a post office, and a small store. my family lives on a farm. i plan on playing with chickens and eating cake by day, and then to get my cousins drunk by night. should be interesting.
tonight i'm going to meet my friends for the last hurrah in berlin. we'll eat pizza and drink beer on the lawn at boxhagener platz in friedrichshain. i'll tell them how much i will miss them, and i will attempt not to give in to any weepy instincts that surface. for now, i'll say chüss or ciao or byebye or whatever, and i'll see your lovely face when i see it (better sooner than later).
thanks for reading this semester. i think i'll write again, we'll see.
til then,
Liebe Grüsse lieblings,
Monday, July 12, 2010
the best: a list
the following will be cheesy and long; this is not an apology
AND in no particular order, the very best of Berlin in the summer and in these last months, and forever
- wandering the streets of friedrichshain
- 'no nation' and watermelonman at kptn
- the world cup: every single, wrenching second of it. (watched at: cassiopeia, heinz minki, fan meile, arena berlin, anywhere in friedrichshain, kulturbrauerei, and on the street)
- finding the strength, time and sun to develop a tan
- badeschiff
- falkensteinstrasse ice cream
- a perfect day at schlachtensee with two very nice friends
- two academic-length papers in german; officially solidifying my knowledge of the umlaut (alt/option then the u key)
- olafur eliasson
- kieran-- and all other aspects of the full circle
- the m10 tram line and how much i wondered and hoped about things every time i rode it.
- my little apartment and my cozy bed and the space to think
- (though not strictly berlin): the travels to greece/barcelona with hannah. belgium. warsaw with mama. and next up: ireland with my fantastic parents, southern germany to see my relatives (then homehomehome, the next adventure)
- the surprising day with the talk and the coffee
- the best cafe (besides fsm, of course): st oberholz. mitte, shopping in mitte, hipsters, raybans. the american apparel i purchased in berlin because i miss you berkeley
- the day at bar 25: steve the skateboarder, the photo booth, the boy with the hair, laughing with hannah, the sun the drinks the perfection
- dancing-- always
- my friends at home because you are everything.
- friedrichshain volkspark: watching you change with the seasons was truly an honor.
- and the people here: you are the ones who made this experience what it was (and still is for ten days, doncha forget). most of you will probably never read this, but regardless: you meant the world to me in these six months and i will never forget you.
i've got places to be, things to do, people to see.
i'll write you on the flipside.
chüssipussy (hanhan, you've got it in writing one time and one time only)
kleine jot
extreme kitsch schmalz,
jumbled out of order, loves
nervy b(erlin)
the last few weeks have been crazy. i finished my last hausarbeiten (aka papers), turned them in, and since my birthday (last tuesday), it's just been constant play. i've gone to four museums/installations in the last week, especial especial favorite was the olafur eliasson light installation at the martin gropius bau, as well as the hamburger bahnhof: museum für gegenwart (aka museum of contemporary art). i mixed it up with the deutsches historisches museum (basically, the entire history of germany. i'll be honest: though fascinating, i mostly went because of the air conditioning...) bode museum--byzantine art, was also interesting although i was a bit put off by the sheer number of religious pieces. i think i'm just done with the really nasty bits of christian art (um, no more bloody jesus please?).
it's been hot hot hot here. really: 100 degrees today and no air conditioning anywhere. this is gross: but i literally do not have a memory in life that involves me sweating this much, even when i am sitting completely still.
this last weekend was officially my last in berlin: i'll be at melt!2010 next weekend, probably also sweating. and dancing all night. it should be amazing. this weekend, we went to lido (balkan beats) which is essentially crazy balkan dance music. yesterday, bar 25 all day long, probably my most favorite afternoon here: bar 25 is this beautiful building on the spree, with a dj room/dance floor plus outside lounges and an outdoor shower which was the most cooling and refreshing thing. i dont have pictures, as i forgot my camera but hannah's friend had one with so i will try to remember to post things, although i feel like i break a lot of promises re: updates on this blog. not that anyone reads this probably, but still. i'm not flaky in life, i promise!
my life is literally coming full circle this week. with things i don't want to talk about on the blog, but i really feel like berlin is providing all these nice ending notes and i'm just so pleased. i've run into people this week i never expected to see again, i've seen pretty much everything i want to see, i've been to the lakes outside the city, i feel saturated in culture and knowledge--my last opera visit is scheduled for tuesday (rigoletto at the komisches oper). i feel like i've done the things i'm supposed to do but that there is more and that somehow, i will find my way back here. i don't know how, but it seems impossible that i won't.
i just hope berkeley is everything i remember, because, hey: in a month and a week i'll be there.
ps. hey, with all my crazy linking you should be prepared for a week in berlin during almost all seasons. bookmark and visit, it's worth it.
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