my last month before leaving berlin is literally flying by and i am being forced to work on essays day in and day out. in case you're interested, writing two papers in german feels a little like dying.
i'm getting freaked out about leaving berlin although i am obviously excited to see certain people (you know who you are.) though i'm a bit nervous that things will have changed a lot at home, i'm also scared that they will be the same and either way, i'm worried that it will not be an easy transition. i tried to make a list of things that i hate about this city in order to convince myself that i want to leave it, but compared to the list of loves it really does come up short.
in the end though, it's the people that matter and i can't wait for all of you. you're on my mind, in my heart [sorry but i am just that cheesy], and well: get ready for me.
i'll be in nevada city on august 8th and in berkeley on august 19th.
and suddenly, i can't wait to be back.
i'll probably post before then, just not until these papers are done.
but in order to leave you with a smile on your face (and also to de-schmaltzify this post):
1)berlin during the world cup is AH-mazing. i am really glad that i got to be here during this time; the germans are crazy into their futbol and it's so fun whenever there's a german game. they're playing argentina on saturday. GO GERMANY.
2) here's me at my best:
(doing my thang, poking at my friend's left over eisbein (aka pork leg) which had all manner of interesting things still attached: skin, bone, fat, veins, HAIR. disgoooosting, but i should obviously have been a surgeon.