Wednesday, January 20, 2010

snowed in

Well, not really.
But it did snow today, briefly, at home. These are snowy pictures from two weeks ago when my parents and I went up to one of my favorite places, i.e. the hot springs in Sierraville, CA. Basically, you sit in this glorious warm/hot water for a few hours and look at nature. It's fun, I promise.
Lodge (very warm, very nice fire, very nice old people who play guitar and sing Willie Nelson songs, very nice chocolate for sale).
view from hot springs deck. behind me, imagine large warm pool full of people.
Very hot bath is in the dome building thing
Ahem, snow excitement. Wearing homemade-by-mother alpaca wool scarf. Will probably have this on every single day in Berlin (it is very warm).

Parents indulging my need to document them+snow.

1 comment:

  1. i lurve you and i am placing a request to see your red coat up close and personal
