Tuesday, February 2, 2010

an apology, and a little bit of excitement, too

Hello whoever reads this.
I am finally, finally here, and maybe it is the jetlag, but it all seems just a little unreal to me. I arrived Sunday afternoon, completely and utterly exhausted, but still managed to stay awake enough to see two apartments and walk all over the neighborhood. I'm having a great time staying with Susi and Bjorn; they're suuper nice and fun people.
The airline lost one of my suitcases, so I spent the better part of Monday wondering if I'd be wearing the same pair of long underwear for the next three months. Fortunately, they found it and I breathed a long sigh of relief because that suitcase contains my snuggie which is an all-important item to have here in freezing winter Germany.
You know when I said before that it averages around -2 C here in winter? Yeah, well, when I arrived on Sunday, it was more around -8. Susi and Bjorn told me that ten days ago the temperature dropped below -20 during the day (!) But I am attempting toughness and although my cheeks take on a brilliant red hue whenever I go outside for an extended period of time, I have decided to accept this, being as it is my chosen life for the next few months. The crazy thing is that people run here even when it's in the negative degrees!
But the cold, unfortunately, brings us to the apology, which is directed towards my dear friend Avery D.

I know that I promised you I would only wear those ugg boots as slippers. I admit that they are definitely vaguely hideous and bulky and unfashionable (and make me look slightly as though I have weird inflated feet). But, the thing is that here, everyone wears bulky shoes! Yes! It is wonderful and horrible that one must forego fashion in favor of warmth but that is sadly the truth. I promise to not allow photographs of my feet in the atrocity of UGG to be published where you can see them ;)

Wait, hold up, I just looked up from my computer, and it's snowing outside! Excuse me while I throw on my, ahem, "shoes" and go frolic in it!

More later...

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