let's talk about Sehnsucht, which is my favorite German word. it is also untranslatable. if you're in the mood to be really bored by my boringness, ask me someday about german vocabulary and how i really believe certain words just do not have english equivalents. for example: Sehnsucht. just go read the wikipedia article, it explains better than i do.
i have been having sehnsucht feelings for a bit now, but they are feelings of missing people that are comfortable because they are natural to have. while i was on my mini break to leipzig and dresden, i also experienced sehnsucht but not just for those certain people: for berlin as a city. i loved spending time in leipzig and dresden (more to come eventually, maybe, if i have time) but the trip made me realize something i didn't know before: i love berlin. i could live here forever.
i never used to think i was the kind of person who needed to live in a specific place, that i would follow the people or the person who means more to me than the place. that is still true to some extent, but let's just say that i hope that i will be doing the leading someday; and i hope the destination will be berlin.
i'll label this post extreme kitsch schmalz, and we'll call it even.
miss you guys; just come see me, ok? i guarantee you'll love it here.
oh hi jennibrilliant, love you.