i promise, i PROMISE to write something longer soon. two great things happened to me today:
- first: i received a care package from my parents which included two bottles of trader joe's hot sauce. i squealed a little bit. the food here is good but really, i'm constantly missing that almost overwhelming spiciness on the tip of the tongue. since i have two bottles, i plan on carrying one with me to school so i can douse the oh-so-cheap but super bland tasting mensa (cafeteria) food in it. life is looking up already.
- second: the sun is shining. amelia and i were discussing the other day how when the sun shines here, you feel it more than you do at home. it's almost like your skin comes alive and crawls; i can only describe it as an extremely delightful feeling.
i may be going to krakow, poland, this weekend with a few people. we'll see. gotta run!
More is on the way! P