this monday began as an 'off' day, for a stupid reason--my left contact lens irritated me the entire morning and i just couldn't get my mind off my eye. it's a idiotic reason to ruin a day, but it sure got me thinking about 'vision.' it's such an important part of our lives, the eye (allow me to get metaphoric here). when we allow ourselves to focus too acutely on negative things--like the pain in our irritated eyes, for example--sometimes that focus can completely take over our mental state and ruin something (like a beautiful, sunny day) that's perfectly fine.
i'm pretty proud of myself, though, because i definitely turned this day around. upon arriving home, i promptly took out my contacts and went on a long run in what i have discovered to be the most romantic spot in berlin. maybe someday, you'll be lucky enough to accompany me there....(HAA). i also embraced my glasses because, hey--sometimes you just gotta bring on the nerdy. i feel tons better after a good sweat. i've got a BIG week ahead: lots of work, and lots of visitors! stay tuned!
edit: i just read over this and realized my sentence structure has gone completely whack. stupid german is ruining the smallest ability i once had to express myself on paper(internet). stupid stupid DEUTSCH
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